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Philadelpia Auditions

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The majority of auditions in Philadelphia will be held in or around the Downtown Arts District. Due to the explosion of new cable and satellite TV channels across America, the demand for new faces of all ages for TV, films and commercials is greater now than ever before in history. Since there are many types of auditions in Philadelphia, first figure out what kind of audition you are looking for. This will make your search much easier.

When you arrive at the audition, after brief introductions (and make sure you keep them brief), someone may ask for your headshot and resume if you haven't already handed one in. (Don't be afraid to pass out multiple copies of your headshot or resume.) At some auditions, someone may take your picture with a digital camera, so the casting director can review all the people who auditioned that day. Be sure to smile and look your very best. If your picture doesn't look anything like your headshot, you need to get a new headshot.

Here are some helpful hints when heading out for auditions in Philadelphia. Most of these rules apply for any audition you will attend.

· Arrive at least 15 minutes early. You don't want to have to rush into your audition.
· Pack your bag with a book in case there is waiting and a bottle of water. Not every place has a water fountain.
· Be nice to everybody. You never know if the person you are speaking to is important.
· There may be several people waiting with you to audition; don't be intimidated because everyone is a bit nervous.
· Definitely do not ask if you will be called back. The casting director will call you at a later date if necessary.

If you had fun and auditioned well, a casting director may call you back to read again, or perhaps give you another part. The audition can open many doors and hopefully find you jobs that will give you the experience needed to join the unions like SAG (Screen Actors Guild) or AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Arts.)

Auditions in Philadelphia are very similar to any other audition throughout the country. Just be yourself, relax and enjoy the process. The more at ease you are, the better chance you'll have of getting a call back. Good Luck! Find Philadelpia Auditions now.

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