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Modeling Auditions

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Perhaps it is your dream job - to run a modeling audition. Or perhaps your dream job is to practice your walk, perfect your high-fashion facial expressions, streamline your style, be a dazzling sensation when you walk in the room at a modeling audition for Louis Vuitton, and be on the cover of the next issue of Vogue wearing only a twenty thousand dollar hand bag and a pair of alligator boots?

Whatever the case may be, for most, probably the latter, as those who actually run the modeling audition usually end up doing so by default, because they work with a designer or photographer or advertising agency, a modeling audition can result in great fame and fortune. Most of the time though, it is a learning experience, and hopefully not too much of a disappointment if you don't get the job.

Not every modeling audition is for a high powered elite designer that only sells clothes to millionaires either. In fact, the majority are for the most common, every day items we can think of in anyone's wardrobe. Gloves, hats, t-shirts, blouses, jackets, pants, all of these items need to be modeled by somebody, and many a modeling audition is not even for clothes, they're for cars, beer, events, toys, and more. There's a modeling audition for everybody!

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