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Movie Auditions

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When entering a Movie Audition, be polite and brief with your introduction. State your name and the role you will be auditioning for. When you enter, never touch anything, except the pages in your hand and a chair if they ask you to sit. Throw out your gum before auditioning. There is nothing worse for a casting director than crackling gum while he/she is trying to hear your performance. Only smoke if they ask of your character to do so. Never smoke in the waiting area. Go outside, far enough away that it doesn't bother anyone. When the casting director is ready, begin your audition.

When you have finished your audition. Don't wait for applause or critique. All you will hear is "thank you" from the casting director. It is their job to be objective during an audition. Just say thank you to everyone in the room and exit quickly and quietly. Wait a few minute to leave incase they want to see you again. Then sign out, this lets them know for sure that you have left. Exit with courtesy and be proud that you have made it through another audition.

When seriously in the running for a major role in a blockbuster feature film, you may be called back ten times before a decision is made. In television, the schedule controls the casting, because in TV, a cast must be completed one week, so production can begin the following week, and as new scripts come in, the casting process starts again. In film, the project stays the same, but the opportunity to get the best actors possible is a main film-casting goal.

Many times, especially as an actor becomes more experienced, they may read for multiple roles depending on the project. If the film is about six, high school kids and you are reading for one of the girls, you may be asked to read for more than one girl role. If you know this is in advance, make sure to review all the roles. Many times a casting director will have you read for a different part on the spot, without you knowing prior. Stay calm. Just read the lines and try your best. The director knows you aren't rehearsed for that role and many actors end up landing parts they weren't even called in for.

You may fall into a group of actors that will compete for the same roles multiple times a year. Slowly, as you come back to read and re-read for the part, they will whittle the list down to two or three and make their decision usually after one more read.

The casting directors may also bring you in to read with other hopefuls up for other parts, so producers and c.d.'s can see different match ups and combinations. They have time to do this. In TV, you usually don't meet your co-stars until the read through (a roundtable rehearsal of entire script, with entire cast, usually a few days before production starts.)

Hopefully, you're auditions will go well and you will make it far into the running for your next part. Remember, every audition is exposure, and every call back is a victory for you. If you're good enough to be seen again, you're good enough, period. Good Luck!

What To Bring To A Movie Audition

The survival kit for any Movie Audition is as follows.
- Your Head Shot and Resume
- Your sides (pages you will read at the audition)
- Or copy of monologue if a theatre audition or auditions requesting monologues.
- A prepared mind. Be so rehearsed that you don't need to look at the pages. (Still have the pages with you in the audition, even if you have memorized them. A casting director may have you read for another character, or you may forget a line.)
- Comfortable but presentable clothing. Depending on the part, you will obviously dress to give of a certain look, but don't let your outfit, outdo your performance.
- Water. Water. Water. Keep drinking water. It hydrates you and is good for your throat and voice. Just make sure to use the bathroom before your audition. (Most auditions supply water if you ask, but you should always bring your own just incase.
- You manners. Be nice to everyone. Be courteous to the casting assistants. Say your pleases and thank yous just like Mom taught you. Find Movie Auditions now.

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