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California Auditions

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California Auditions are no different than an audition anywhere else. Though the pressure of a California audition has the potential to land a big role in the city of stars, making auditions in California a daunting task.

When you're called in to audition, the only people present will include you, the casting director, and maybe a handful of other complete strangers staring at you. Some of these other people may be the producer, a camera operator (in case they're taping the auditions), the casting director's bored friend or relative, (in the case of a commercial audition) a representative from the advertiser, or (in the case of a musical) a dance choreographer or musical director. No matter who is in the room, treat everyone in the room with respect. If someone looks like a sloppily dressed janitor, that person could actually be the producer, remember, it's a California audition, anything is possible, so play it safe and treat everyone with courtesy.

By the time it's your turn to audition, the casting director has probably seen hundreds of other people ahead of you, especially in Hollywood, which means the casting director and anyone else in the room is likely to be tired, bored, and irritable. Make the director's job easy and you increase your chances of having a successful audition. Make the job harder (by not being ready, talking too much, and so on) and you may seriously kill any chances of getting any role. California auditions cast the nations best actors and the casting directors involved are the best in the business. It is important to be professional.

After brief introductions (and make sure you keep them brief), someone may ask for your headshot and resume if you haven't already handed one in. (Don't be afraid to pass out multiple copies of your headshot or resume.) At some auditions, someone may take your picture with a digital camera, so the casting director can review all the people who auditioned that day. Be sure to smile and look your very best. If your picture doesn't look anything like your headshot, you need to get a new headshot.

So you have made it through your first California Audition. Congratulations! The important thing is to keep auditioning and stay level headed. Hollywood is a fast paced place with many opportunities to succeed as well as many avenues to fail. Stay goal oriented and keep fighting for your dream. An actor who steadily goes on Hollywood auditions is doing just that.

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